
Hunter call of the wild game map
Hunter call of the wild game map

hunter call of the wild game map

The primary weapons I use for Mississippi Acres When you find the tracks simply follow them and don't get distracted by other tracks, keep checking the scat for "fresh" the animal will eventually stop or start walking and you will be within 50m if the wind is favorable. Simply put a waypoint to a location of about 1k, set your time depending on the animal, arm yourself, and start walking looking for tracks.

hunter call of the wild game map hunter call of the wild game map

Tracking animals is far more rewarding than spending half a night in a hunting stand waiting for something to show up. Check out my tracking guide for the Hunter Call of The Wild. How I hunt: I no longer use the map-provided hunting stands or spend money building them - I rather buy a re-usable Tripod or walk and track animals until I find them drinking, resting, or eating. Let's take a look at The Hunter: Call of the Wild - Mississippi Acres Map, where are the best hunting areas, or if you found a great hunting area - leave a comment. Included at the bottom is the Mississippi Acres map with hunting legend. Please leave a comment if you find this helpful or something is missing.

Hunter call of the wild game map